
Best Drip Coffee Maker – Energised Efficiency

Best Drip Coffee Maker – Energised Efficiency

Drip Coffee Makers are the modern man’s way of having it all. It’s easy, it’s fast, it’s economical and it makes pretty great coffee! What is more convenient than having unexpected guests over – and being able to serve them fresh, tasty coffee in less than ten minutes? Having cupcakes to go along – that’s the only thing that’s better!

How Does A Drip Coffee Maker Work?

This type of coffee maker was the pioneer of it’s kind; the concept behind it is very easy.

You add a pre-portioned amount of ground coffee into a paper filter, insert that into a basket, and fill up a water tank.

Gravity makes it’s star appearance here and allows for the heated water to soak into – and ultimately extract coffee from those coffee grounds. What follows is a beautiful, simplistic extraction of nothing but pure, premium coffee.

Salivating yet?

Industrial vs Commercial Drip Coffee Makers – What Is The Difference?

Companies and homes can sometimes be misled in terms of what type of drip coffee maker to use. There are two main schools of drip coffee makers – i.e. – industrial and commercial.

Commercial drip coffee makers are the type you can find on the shelves of any Walmart or Costco. They are a single-pot coffee maker, with one static hot plate. These are perfectly good – but they are only suited to smaller usage (about 10 cups per day) and distinctively lack the distinguishing features of an industrial coffee maker.

They are often times also made from plastic, and are susceptible to breakage.

Industrial coffee makers (get that image of a coffee maker the size of a room out of your head, it’s not the case) are capable of making double – sometimes triple the quantity of a commercial drip coffee maker. Usually, there are two pots, and two self-regulating hot plates.

The beauty of self-regulating hot plates is that you do not run the risk of burning your coffee while keeping it hot. The plates reach a certain, optimal temperature, and switch off once it has been reached. They will kick back in again once the temperature of the plate drops below a certain temperature. Industrial drip coffee makers are also normally made from far superior materials and can withstand a lot more than a commercial drip coffee maker.

Furthermore, having two hot plates allows you to brew and retain heat in both coffee pots – meaning twice the coffee in half the time. Uhh, yes please!